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"Never tell me the Sky's the Limit ,

When there are footprints on the moon!"

Building Positive Relationships with Staff in Teaching and General Business

Eleven things to keep in mind when trying to build positive relationships with staff members :

  1. Encourage and show kindness and humility -- Never let an opportunity to show kindness or encouragement to others to pass. Praise exemplary work, regardless of the person that did it. Sometimes you can turn even the most hardened of your fellow workers into real softies once they realize that you are not afraid to compliment them or give encouraging words, despite how they may perceive you ordinarily. At the same time, when giving criticism, do it helpfully and gently, never spitefully. Show concern for another's feelings and well being. You will benefit immensely from even the smallest kindness shown.
  2. Be happy – Every day you go to work, you need to make a choice to be happy. Making a choice to be happy on a day to day basis will make people around you more comfortable on a day to day basis. Don’t dwell on negatives and maintain a positive attitude.
  3. Refuse to engage in gossip or hearsay -- Don't allow gossip to rule your life. In the workplace, morale is vitally essential. Gossip will tear apart a staff faster than anything else. Do not engage in it and nip it in the bud when it is presented to you.
  4. Let the water roll off your back –Don’t let negative things said about you get under your skin. Know whom you are and believe in yourself. Most people that talk negative about other people do so out of ignorance. Let your own actions determine how others see you, and they will not believe the negative things said.
  5. Collaborate with your peers – Collaboration is vitally essential among teachers. Don’t be afraid to offer constructive criticism and advice with a take it or leave it approach. Also of equal importance, don’t be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help in your classroom. Too many teachers think this is a weakness, when it is truly a strength. Finally, master teachers share ideas with others. This profession is truly about what is best for the students. If you have a brilliant idea that you know works well with students, then share it with those around you.
  6. Watch what you say to people -- How you say something counts for just as much as what you say. Tone does matter. When confronted with a difficult situation, always say less than you think. Holding your tongue in a difficult situation will make it easier for you in the long run because it will create confidence among others in your ability to handle a similar situation.
  7. If you make a promise, you better be prepared to keep it -- If you intend to make promises, you had better be prepared to keep them, no matter what the cost. You will lose respect of your peers quicker than it took you to gain it by breaking promises. When you tell someone that you intend to do something, it is your responsibility to see to it that you follow through.
  8. Learn about others’ outside interests -- Find a common interest that you have with others (e.g. grandchildren, sports, movies, etc.) and spark a conversation. Having caring attitude will build trust and confidence in others. When others are joyful, rejoice with them; when troubled or in mourning, be sympathetic. Make sure each person around you knows that you value them and know that they are important.
  9. Be open-minded -- Do not get into arguments. Discuss things with people rather than argue. Being combative or disagreeable is likely to put others off. If you don’t agree with something, think your response through and don’t be argumentative or judgmental in what you say.
  10. Understand that some peoples’ feelings are hurt easier than others -– Humor can bring people together, but it can also tear people apart. Before you tease or joke with a person, make sure you know how they are going to take it. Everyone is different in this aspect. Take into account another person's feelings before you poke fun.
  11. Don’t worry about accolades -- Do your best. It's the best you can do ! Let others see your work ethic, and you will be able to take pride and pleasure in a job well done.

Want New Horizons Consulting to run workshops for your staff in Building Positive Relationships Contact us here and tell us your needs


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